Episode 1: Oriana Poindexter and Misael Sámano-Vargas

CyanUtopia is an independent podcast. Each artist has donated their time to share their process. Please support the artists by buying their art. You can find more information about Misael and Oriana by clicking on the links below.

Misael Sámano-Vargas

Visit Oriana’s website and Instagram to find out how to participate in one of her workshops and experience her beautiful work.

Oriana Poindexter
Oriana’s Instagram
Information about The Iridescent Ones, Oriana’s white abalone book.

A short historical podcast about Anna Atkins:
Womanica Podcast episode 370 - A brief historical episode about Anna Atkins

Oriana mentioned the following artists as inspirations:

Meghan Riepenhoff

Julia Whitney Barnes


CyanUtopia is an independent production produced, recorded and edited by Marolyn Krasner.

The music in this episode is a song called Blue (of course) by Jessie Cherry